Autumn Conference Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th October 2018
Marriott Bristol City Centre Hotel
Wednesday 17th October
From 1500 Check in at Marriott Bristol City Centre Hotel for delegates staying there
1700-1900 Conference Registration in hotel reception
From 1800 Pre-Dinner drinks (cash bar) in hotel bar one floor up from reception (Terrace level)
1900 Dinner in the Conservatory on same floor as bar at opposite end of the building
After-dinner speaker – Kevin Rooney, Traffic Commissioner for west of England
Thursday 18th October
From 0630 Breakfast (for delegates staying at hotel) in the Cast Iron Grill
Check out and bring bags and cases to the Conservatory
0830 Arrival refreshments in the Conservatory
0845 Conference begins in the Conservatory
Welcome from YBMN Patrons Roger French and James Freeman
0900 Prof Graham Parkhurst, University of the West of England
Technology’s Effect on the Traditional Public Transport Operation
0945 James Freeman, Managing Director, First West of England
Introduction to the Bristol transport scene
1005 Shalando Williams, metrobus Manager, First West of England
The metrobus Revolution in Bristol
1030 Morning coffee and tea
1100 Tour of metrobus m2 guided busway. Two buses depart from bus stop at rear of hotel.
Bags can be left in the conference room.
1215 Lunch
1315 Claire Walters, Chief Executive Officer, Bus Users UK
Being the manager your passengers need.
Click here to read notes
1345 Sarah Huntley, Managing Director, The TAS Partnership
Smart ticketing
1400 James Freeman, YBMN Patron
Participatory workshop with feedback
1515 Roger French, YBMN Patron
Roger’s Wrap
1530 End of Conference
Departure refreshments